Thursday, March 27, 2014

Is it the Man or the Machine?

Thursday thought..
Is it the man or the machine? For many companies a single man has been the icon of success. Welch, Gates, Jobs and Zuckerberg are just a few. Many admirers of these men credit the growth and brilliance of these companies to these men. Jobs, in particular, was given almost God like status as he nurtured Apple into a giant international company with vision and supremacy in the computing and related consumer world. It seemed that Apple would go on forever with brilliant cutting edge products. But, Jobs is gone, and Apple is not shining so brightly at this point.
Another company, Google has become the new star in the tech universe. Moon shots were once the exclusive domain of Apple are now being regularly rocketing into orbit by Google.
But who is Google. Do we associate this company with an off the tongue name?
Who is the human controlling the machine?
In the age of drones perhaps the effect is more important than who caused it.
Do we no longer need a man, or person to identify with corporate success or will the machine of its own accord, sustain discovery, development and public adulation?