Thursday, October 9, 2014

Artist Rocks

Love #jfkairport! It is a city with 7 "suburbs" or terminals.
Working there, one never knows who will be seen or interacted with.

My latest interesting encounter--Met ‪#‎RichardNonas‬, known sculptor from NY enroute to London via ‪#‎virginatlantic‬ ‪#‎richardbranson‬. I met him while he patiently was online ( literally) at Virgin Atlantic. Dressed casually with a green denim vest with a couple of mechanical pencils showing in his vest pocket whilst a backpack carried the rest of his belongings.
According to Richard  he is doing a rock sculpture arrangement at Regent Park. He hasn't seen the boulders, does not know now what will be. He has not bee there yet and will see his "canvas" in the next day or so. The most interesting part is his thought process. Right now he has had 18 large boulders placed in the park. They are waiting for him to arrive and then he will place in an artistic manner for the public viewing. . He is going to see the layout then ponder the site and layout. I was fascinated by this approach. So cool to discuss the artistic process while in the formative stages. I could hear the creativity pulse in his head as we spoke. Good luck. Oh, and by the way the Queen of England is scheduled to appear and view the creations.
If you are heading to London, drop by. More Info:

1 comment:

  1. 7 terminals? Thanks to Delta and the PA there's only 6 (and counting...)
