Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Can an LAX Shooting Happen at NY Airports?

The recent shooting at LAX has many of us wondering if that could happen here in NY? 
The question is-are we prepared?

In addition to our everyday NYPD, Homeland Security, Port Authority Police and National Guard, what more can be done to create a safer environment?
-Do we have enough plain clothes trained security people at the three largest airports?
-Do we have enough uniformed armed security people?
-Are these measures in place to spot and preempt a single or multiple assailant?
-Are the modes of transportation monitored, such as the Airtrains?
-Do we have eyes on the exterior of the terminals looking for suspicious individuals?
-Are we as individuals trained to react properly?
-Who do we call if we see suspicious behavior?
-What do we do if someone walks past us with an obvious weapon? Interact?
-Are our electronic devices capable of identifying and alerting authorities? 
I spoke with a couple of people who were in the LAX area where the gunman started shooting. He appeared intent on targeting a uniformed person. But the individuals who were nearby were scared to death and either hid behind something, in a closet or hugged the floor. They had no idea what to do. Luckily the demented individual with the gun did not have them in mind. But, what could they have done to aid in stopping or capture?

Why didn’t anyone see a man carrying or concealing an assault or hunting rifle.
How could this not be noticed by someone on one of the security teams?

This is not being critical of what took place but more of an opportunity to look at our current security measures that deal with a person/ people walking around highly populated areas with a visible weapon and being able to use it wantonly.

I am hopeful and certain that our law enforcement officials are reviewing the particulars in this case. I am hopeful that we will hear something concrete from these people with some added assurances why this will not likely happen here.

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