Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Italiano Marathon Man

Click, a glimpse of a happy man.
The NYC Marathon was last weekend. I never noticed how man Europeans participated until I saw tens of dull gold colored medallions hanging from the necks of travelers bound for Europe at JFK Airport. Every one of these people, predominantly men, were strutting and proudly displaying their achievement-running in the race. I am not sure the times or even placement were important. It was the fact they had participated.

I was able to find one man posing for the attendant behind the Alitalia counter. He had his arm around his wife while smiling victoriously. They bantered in Italian for a minute then I had my chance to chat.

He introduced himself as Giovanni from Salerno. I introduced myself as Jeff and I told him I Tweet on things happening at he airport. Asking him If he would pose for me was like asking him if he wanted a glass of Chianti. Still smiling he told me this was the seventh year he has come over to the states mixing the Marathon with work. To my surprise he said he has never trained for the race. Yes, he said, he plays tennis and is is good shape. Looking at him, a man of 5'9", about 165 lbs, I tended to agree. But I asked how he could run 27 miles without training. I told him I am in good shape but get winded after 3 blocks! He laughed even though his English was not great but obviously was enjoying the spirit of the moment.

Continuing he proudly told me that his time was 3hrs 40 mins. Me, what do I know? I asked if this was good. Obviously it was based on his recurring broad smile. All the while his wife stood by, generous with her support and too smiled all the while.

As is with many of my minute interactions with many of those I meet at the airport, I never got his last name, profession or details of his life. This was a Polaroid shot of a man with a passion in his life. I was feeling his warmth, success and achievement as we began to say goodbyes. Like many Italians, myself being half, we shook hands at least three times while physically separating distance with each shake.,

Congrats to all those runners walking the halls of Terminal One displaying their day's achievement for the world to see.

I saw them, and I extend them a belated welcome to this country, and wish them the best when they get home and recount their wonderful experience to their friends and families as I share this short experience with my friends and readers.


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